Benefits Guide For Your Business Credit Cards

Business Tools

Visa SavingsEdge®

Cardholder registration site:

Visa SavingsEdge gives enrolled Visa Business cardholders ways to save on qualified business purchases using an enrolled Visa Business card with Everyday Offers—savings that are automatically available after you enroll—and Activate Offers—limited-time savings that you must activate to be eligible. Discounts require no coupons or codes, because they are applied as statement credits on enrolled Visa Business cardholders’ future account statements. Select offers may require activation.

Terms and Conditions

Visa SavingsEdge is a discount program (“Program”) offered by Visa U.S.A. Inc. (“Visa” “we” and “us”) to each eligible corporation limited liability company partnership and sole proprietor (“Business”) that holds a Visa Business Credit Card Visa Business Platinum Credit Card Visa Business Check Card Visa Business Platinum Check Card and/or Visa Business Signature Card issued by an Issuer participating in the Program (each a “Visa Business Card” and “Card”) whose enrollment in the Program is accepted by Visa.

These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) apply both to the Business and each individual who uses a Card through the Business (“Cardholder” and “you”). Each Cardholder must also be authorized to use the Visa Business Card by the financial institution issuing such Card (“Issuer”) pursuant to the payment card agreement (“Card Agreement”) between the Business and the Issuer. The Business shall be jointly and severally responsible for any use of Cards and participation in the Program by Cardholders. By participating in the Program the Business and each Cardholder agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions as applicable to each as provided herein.

Each Cardholder must sign up and be accepted by Visa as a participant in the Program in order to be eligible for discounts. Alternatively the Business can directly enroll Cardholders and Cards in the Program. Under the Program Cardholders will receive discounts from merchants participating in the Program (“Merchant”) each time such Cardholder uses an eligible Visa Business Card that is enrolled in the Program to make a purchase that meets the terms and conditions of an active discount offer (each a “Discount Offer”) (including, in some cases, the requirement to ‘activate’ the offer for your Cards prior to making a purchase, as discussed below) and that transaction is processed or submitted through the Visa payment system (each a “Qualifying Purchase” as more fully described below). The Card Agreement will continue to govern use of the Visa Business Card(s) by the Business and Cardholders. In the event of a conflict between the Card Agreement and these Terms and Conditions the Card Agreement will govern except that these Terms and Conditions will govern and control with respect to all matters relating to the Program. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California without reference to its conflict of laws provisions. The Business and each Cardholder agree that any dispute arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions and/or the Program shall be resolved exclusively in the state and federal courts residing in San Francisco County California.

Changes to the Program

We have the right to modify, restrict, limit, or change the Program in any way and at any time. Changes may include but are not limited to: changing the participating Merchants; changing the specific details requirements or qualifications of a Discount Offer; adding or removing Discount Offers; changing the duration of any Discount Offer; and changing these Terms and Conditions. We will notify the Business and Cardholders of material changes to the Program and/or to these Terms and Conditions by notice provided on the program website at (the “Program Website”) and you should check the Program Website from time to time for such changes. We also reserve the right at any time to suspend or cancel the Program. We also reserve the right to suspend or cancel any Business’ and/or Cardholder’s enrollment in the Program without notice unless required by applicable law including without limitation where we believe you are abusing or wrongfully using the Program. Merchants may also suspend or cancel the ability of Business and/or any Cardholder to qualify for a discount for any transaction at that Merchant without notice unless required by applicable law.


Businesses and authorized Cardholders in the United States that hold an eligible Visa Business Card and are in good standing are eligible to apply for enrollment in the Program. We reserve the right to determine in our sole discretion whether any Business or Cardholder may enroll in the Program.


To participate in the Program you must be authorized by the Business to enroll your eligible Card in the Program and accept these Terms and Conditions on behalf of yourself and the Business. Moreover the Business must: (a) be party to a valid Card Agreement (b) be approved by Visa to enroll or authorize enrollment of one or more Visa Business Cards in the Program (c) control Cardholder access to Visa Business Cards and (d) agree to these Terms and Conditions. With respect to Businesses by checking the applicable agreement box the signatory represents that he or she is an authorized signatory for the Business under the Card Agreement and that the Business agrees to these Terms and Conditions. With respect to Cardholders by checking the applicable agreement box you represent that you are authorized to enroll the Card in the Program and that you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

In order to enroll Visa Business Cards in the Program the Business and/or Cardholder must follow the instructions on the Program Website. Each Visa Business Card number must be enrolled separately and will be treated as a separate account even if two or more Visa Business Card numbers are associated with the same credit checking or other underlying account. If there are multiple Visa Business Cards with the same card number that Visa Business Card number may only be enrolled once. By enrolling a Visa Business Card number or permitting a Visa Business Card to be enrolled the Business represents that the individual enrolling that number is authorized to enroll all of the Visa Business Cards with that number. There is no cost to the Business to enroll a Visa Business Card in the Program or for Cardholders to use Cards to participate in the Program.

While enrolling in the Program on the Program Website the Business and/or each Cardholder will be required to provide an email address and select a password that must be entered in order to access the Program Website. The Business and/or Cardholder as applicable will receive a confirmation message at time of enrollment if Visa approves enrollment of the Visa Business Card(s) in the Program. The Business is responsible for ensuring and protecting the security of passwords and for any activity conducted at the Program Website through its email addresses and associated passwords.

For some Discount Offers, you must activate the offer for your enrolled Card(s) prior to making a purchase. These are referred to on the Program Website as “Activate Offers” or other similar terms. You must enable Activate Offers on an offer-by-offer basis; when you enable an Activate Offer, all of the Visa Business Cards associated with your Program account will be will be enabled for that Activate Offer.

Qualifying Purchase

The enrolled Business and/or participating Cardholders will receive a discount at Merchants only for Qualifying Purchases that are in full compliance with the terms of the applicable Discount Offer as shown on the Program Website, which may include the requirement to ‘activate’ a specific Discount Offer prior to making a purchase. A “Qualifying Purchase” is further defined as any signature-based purchase Internet purchase phone or mail order purchase bill payment contactless purchase (a purchase made by holding your Visa card or other device up to a secure reader instead of swiping your card) or small dollar purchase for which you are not required to sign made with an enrolled Visa Business Card which is processed or submitted through the Visa U.S.A. Inc. payment system. Do not use a Personal Identification Number (PIN) when paying for your purchases with your enrolled Visa Business Card if you want to receive a Merchant discount for such purchase. PIN-based purchases, purchases you initiate through identification technology that substitutes for a PIN Interlink-processed transactions payments made for pre-paid and re-loadable cards such as certain gift cards Visa Buxx and similar cards payments made for payment instruments that can readily be converted to cash (for example travelers cheques money orders wire transfers and similar products or services) or transactions that are not processed or submitted through the Visa U.S.A. Inc. payment system are not Qualifying Purchases. We reserve the right to determine in our sole discretion whether a Visa Business Card transaction is a Qualifying Purchase.

Discount Offers

Each Discount Offer will be subject to additional terms and conditions specific to the Discount Offer. These terms and conditions may address such matters as the requirement to ‘activate’ the Discount Offer prior to making a purchase, the level of discount for the Discount Offer, the expiration date of the Discount Offer the purchase or other requirements, limitations, or restrictions associated with the Discount Offer. You cannot qualify for a Discount Offer once the Discount Offer is removed from the Program. Participating Merchants may offer discounts on purchases of goods or services at their physical locations in the United States on their websites or by telephone or mail orders. The details, terms and conditions applicable to such Discount Offer are determined by us and the Merchant in our respective sole discretions. Please refer to the Program Website for additional Discount Offer terms and conditions and Program information.

Discount Offers may be subject to availability. Discount Offers are also subject to any applicable law or regulation that may restrict or prohibit certain sales including without limitation the sale of goods and services in certain restricted categories. Businesses, Cardholders and the applicable Merchant are each responsible for compliance with all laws related to the Discount Offer including the payment and collection of any federal state or local taxes.

Statement Credits

Once a Visa Business Card is enrolled in the Program the discount the Business or Cardholder receives from a Qualifying Purchase will be automatically credited to the applicable participating Visa Business Card account. The Discount Offer credit will not appear on the receipt at the Merchant’s point of sale. A Discount Offer credit will be posted to the applicable Card statement for each Qualifying Purchase but may be posted on a Card statement following the Card statement on which the related Qualifying Purchase is posted. A posted Discount Offer credit may be reversed in Visa’s sole discretion for any returns adjustments or chargebacks relating to a Qualifying Purchase. The reversal of any Discount Offer credit will appear on a future Card statement.

You are not eligible to receive any Discount Offers and/or statement credits while your Visa Business Card account is not in good standing. Any transactions entered into by the Business or a Cardholder during such time will not be deemed a Qualifying Purchase and forfeited from Program eligibility.

Communications with Program Participants

The Program Website will present information regarding current Discount Offers at the Merchant Discount Offer web page. By using the Program Website we may make electronic communications to you including through emails and/or postings to the Program Website (and mobile-based communications such as SMS messages if you opted-in to receive such mobile-based communications). All electronic communications from us to you shall be deemed to be communications “in writing” and deemed delivered to you no later than the earlier of the date actually received or five days from the date of posting or dissemination.

By enrolling a Visa Business Credit and Check Card in the Program you agree to advise us of any changes in the email address(es) for the Business and/or Cardholders by updating the Business’ Program profile on the Program Website. If you would like to retain a copy of these Terms and Conditions please print a paper copy.

You may elect to receive information of a promotional nature about the Program via email by so indicating on the Business profile on the Program website or in connection with Program enrollment. If you elect to receive such promotional information we may from time to time send you promotional emails containing selected Discount Offers or other offers from select Issuers and Merchants to the respective email address(es). If you would like to change your election to receive these promotions at any time please visit the Program Website to update the Business’ Program profile or use the unsubscribe link or address contained within each promotional email.

In addition you may elect to receive mobile-based communications (such as SMS messaging) related to your Program account and/or promotional messages by so indicating on the Business’ Program profile or in connection with Program enrollment. Although mobile-based messaging features are not yet available we plan to make these convenient features available in the future. If and when they are available we will send mobile-based messaging (Program-related and/or promotional in nature depending on the election) directly to the mobile telephone number(s) you provide in connection with your election. To receive these mobile-based communications you must maintain at your own cost a mobile telephone capable of sending and receiving text messages. Standard text message rates apply to each text message sent and received in connection with this feature. Please see your wireless provider for pricing plan details. If you would like to change your election to receive these mobile-based communications at any time please visit the Program Website to update the Business’ Program profile or follow the unsubscribe information contained in each mobile-based message. Please allow sufficient time for us to process your request.

Canceling Program Participation

You may cancel your participation in the Program at any time by visiting the Program Website. A Business may also cancel the participation of any Cardholder within its organization in the Program at any time by visiting the Program Website. Revoked statement credits based on returns adjustments or chargebacks with respect to a Qualifying Purchase made on an enrolled Visa Business Card may be completed in Visa’s sole discretion after the cancellation of the Business’ enrollment or a Cardholder’s participation in the Program. If a Business or Cardholder closes the Visa Business Card enrolled in the Program the Cardholder and the Visa Business Card will be automatically removed from the Program as well.

Lost, Stolen or Damaged Cards

If a Visa Business Card enrolled in the Program is lost, stolen or damaged first call the Issuer at the telephone number provided in the Card Agreement to request a replacement Card from the Issuer. Please be aware that the replacement card may have a different Card number. You will be eligible for the Discount Offers even if an enrolled Visa Business Card is lost stolen or damaged. However you will have to enroll the replacement Visa Business Card on the Program Website if the new replacement Card is issued by the Issuer with a different Card number. In such case the previously enrolled Card will be removed from the Program. However Qualifying Purchases made through unauthorized purchases from a lost or stolen Card or Card number will not be eligible for any discounts under the Program.

Customer Service

If you have questions regarding Program features and/or would like information about Merchant offers please visit the “Frequently Asked Questions” page and the Merchant Offer Description web page on the Program Website.

If you encounter problems while applying to enroll your Visa Business Card(s) in the Program and/or while updating the Business’ Program profile on the Program Website please contact Visa Customer Care at 1-888-466-9227.

If you have any questions regarding any Qualifying Purchases, Discount Offers and/or statement credits related to the Program please contact Visa Customer Care at 1-888-466-9227 for investigation and/or referral to the Issuer as appropriate.

If you have any other questions regarding your Visa Business Card please contact the customer service representative at the Issuer. The Issuer’s contact information may be on the back of the Visa Business Card or in the Card Agreement.

Disclaimers and Limitations

Visa is not responsible for resolving any questions or disputes regarding Discount Offers. the crediting of a Discount Offer to your Card account or the handling of returns disputes and chargebacks with respect to a Qualifying Purchase. Without limiting the previous sentence all questions and disputes are subject to the Card Agreement and except as specifically set forth above under “Customer Service” must be directed to the Issuer for resolution. Any required arbitration or other dispute resolution process provided for in the Card Agreement shall apply to your participation in the Program.

Visa is not responsible for the products or services purchased through Qualifying Purchases. You may be subject to additional terms and conditions, warranties or other requirements of the Merchant and the product’s manufacturer or the service provider. Visa disclaims all representations or warranties express or implied, including without limitation those regarding quality, suitability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise with respect to the Program, Discount Offers and any goods or services sold by Merchants in connection with the Program.

In no event shall Visa, its affiliates or any of its directors, officers, employees, agents or subcontractors (collectively “Visa Parties”) be liable under any theory of tort contract strict liability or other legal theory for lost profits, lost revenues, lost business opportunities, exemplary, punitive, special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages, each of which is hereby excluded by agreement of the parties, regardless of whether such damages were foreseeable or whether any party or any entity has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Visa Parties are not liable for any injury, damage, or loss to person or property or any expense accident or inconvenience that may arise from your participation to the Program or the use of products or services purchased through Qualifying Purchases.

Visa Parties are not responsible for any error, malfunction or problem of any kind, whether human, mechanical, typographical printing, network or electronic, relating to or in connection with this Program, including without limitation errors, malfunctions or problems which may occur in connection with the administration of the Program, the processing of Qualifying Purchases and/or discounts or the presentation of Discount Offers. Persons found tampering with or abusing any aspect of the Program as solely determined by Visa will be removed from the Program and all associated Qualifying Purchases and/or discounts will be cancelled and voided.

The Business and each Cardholder jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold the Visa Parties harmless from and against all losses, liabilities, damages and expenses resulting from or arising out of the Business’ enrollment and the participation of any Cardholder in the Program including without limitation any damage relating to the use of products and services acquired though Qualifying Purchases.

By enrolling in the Program the Business and each Cardholder hereby release Visa Parties from any claim liability or damage relating to the Program or the use of any Discount Offers. The Program and/or any Discount Offers under the Program are void where prohibited by applicable law. Notwithstanding anything in these Terms and Conditions to the contrary Visa and all providers of services to the Program shall have no liability to the Business or any Cardholder in connection with the Program.


All information collected about the Business and Cardholders using the Program Website is subject to the Privacy Policy which can be found at

Visa may share aggregated information about ineligible cards submitted for enrollment in the Program with the Issuers of such cards; provided however that the information shared will not personally identify any cardholder.

As a part of the Program transaction information will be shared between Merchants Issuers and Visa (and/or their respective service providers) in order to process your statement credits and to generally make the Program available to you. In addition certain information about your clickstream activity and additional transaction information may be shared between the Merchant, your Issuer and Visa on either an aggregate (non-personally identifiable) or a personally identifiable basis and such information will be subject to each party’s respective privacy policies and practices.


Emergency Services

Cardholder Inquiry Service

Cardholder Inquiry Service provides customer phone support for general inquiries and provides product or service information to all Visa cardholders.

Benefit at a glance

24-hour cardholder information and assistance by phone to all Visa cardholders calling from anywhere in the world, provided by Visa Global Customer Care Services. Toll-free numbers are supported 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Quick and accurate account and card benefit information.
  • Product and service information at your fingertips.
  • Customer service available in all major languages.

How it works

Cardholder Inquiry Service provides customer phone support for general inquiries and provides product/service information for Visa cardholders. Visa Global Customer Care Services team provides information regarding general account or card benefit questions.

Emergency Card or Cash Disbursement

Have a lost, stolen or damaged card? Need emergency cash?

Visa will block your card (if the card number is known) and connect you with your financial institution/Bank. Following bank approval, cardholders can also get an emergency card replacement within one to three business days*. Alternatively, Visa can arrange for cash to be available at a location near you usually within hours of your bank’s approval.

*Some restrictions/limitations apply

If your Visa card is ever lost or stolen, we’ll help you notify the appropriate parties and replace your card.

Lost or Stolen Card Reporting

With the Visa Lost/Stolen Card Reporting service, reporting a lost or stolen card is simple. Just call your Visa card issuer or Visa Global Customer Care Services at 1-800-847-2911, or call one of our global toll-free numbers and a Visa representative will work with you to notify the appropriate parties and replace your card.

  1. Call us at any time
    We’re available by phone to help you. To find the number, just select the country/region you’re calling from in the field above.
  2. Deactivate your card
    A Visa representative will deactivate your lost or stolen credit or debit card and then notify your financial institution immediately. In the event your card was stolen, this may help prevent fraud.
  3. Get a new card
    Visa will work with your financial institution to replace your debit or credit card and ship it to you within 24 to 72 hours.

Roadside Dispatch

As a Visa cardholder, you have access to Roadside Dispatch®, a pay-per-use roadside assistance program.

Simply call 1-800-847-2869, 24 hours a day/7 days a week and Roadside Dispatch will ask you where you are, what the problem is, and will remain on the phone while arranging a dispatch to a reliable tow operator or locksmith – you pay set rate per service call. No membership required and you don’t need to pre-enroll. No annual dues. No limit on usage.

Add Peace of Mind to your Itinerary

For a set price per service call, the program provides:

  • Standard Towing — Up to 5 miles included¹
  • Tire Changing — must have good, inflated spare tire
  • Jump Starting
  • Lockout Service (no key replacement)
  • Fuel Delivery — up to 5 gallons (plus the cost of fuel)
  • Standard Winching

Not only will you not have to search for the name of a local tow operator, you may even save money because rates are pre-negotiated. All fees are conveniently billed to your Visa account.

Note: Customers must pay service provider for mileage over 5 miles. A secondary unit being towed behind is not included but can be accommodated for an additional fee. Standard Winching applies within 100 feet of paved or county maintained road only. Current fee for a standard service call is $69.95. Additional fees may apply for winching services under certain circumstances. Service call fees are subject to change at any time; however callers will be notified of pricing prior to any service dispatch. This program may be discontinued at any time without prior notice. Program void where prohibited.

1 Any vehicle with wheels is covered under the program as long as it can be classified as ‘Light Duty’. ‘Light Duty’ vehicles are vehicles that weigh 10,000 lbs. or less. Vehicles weighing more than 10,000 lbs. are considered ‘Medium Duty’ or ‘Heavy Duty’ and are NOT covered under this program.

Additional Terms: Service providers supplying emergency roadside assistance and towing are independent contractors and are solely liable for their services. Neither Visa nor Northwest Federal Credit Union shall have any responsibility or liability in connection with the rendering of the service. Emergency roadside assistance and towing may not be available in areas not regularly traveled, nor in other “off road” areas not accessible by ordinary towing vehicles. Weather conditions, time of day, and availability of service may affect assistance responses. Expectations for dispatch are set with the customer on every call, and an expected estimated time of arrival is provided to the customer regardless of their location; however, neither Visa nor Northwest Federal Credit Union provides any assurances as to the ability of the Service Provider to meet such estimates. You are responsible for any roadside assistance or towing charges incurred by facilities responding to your request even if you are not with your vehicle or your vehicle is gone upon their arrival. Services provided by United States Auto Club, Motoring Division, Inc.

Security and Protection

Extended Warranty Protection

Product warranties can be inconvenient and cumbersome to use.

Let’s say You purchased a great gadget about a year ago, but it just stopped working, and You can’t find Your sales receipt and warranty information. For all too common situations like these, Extended Warranty Protection can help.

Extended Warranty Protection provides You with valuable features that help You manage, use and extend the warranties for eligible items purchased on Your covered Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your covered Account. Services include Warranty Registration and Extended Protection. You are eligible for this benefit if You are a cardholder of an eligible card issued in the United States and

You purchase either a portion or the entire cost of the item using Your Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

Here’s how Warranty Registration works

When You purchase an eligible item that carries a manufacturer’s warranty, You can register Your purchase by calling 1-800-397-9010 or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-303-967-1093. You can also register Your purchase online at

The Benefit Administrator will tell You where to send Your item’s sales receipt and warranty information, so they can be kept on file should You need them.

If You choose not to register Your item, be sure to keep Your monthly billing statement reflecting the purchase, the itemized sales receipt, the original manufacturer’s written U.S. warranty and any additional warranty in a safe place. These documents will be required to verify Your claim.

Here’s how Extended Protection works

Your warranty coverage can be doubled up to one (1) additional year on eligible warranties of three (3) years or less. For example, a manufacturer’s warranty of three (3) months would be provided with an additional three (3) months of coverage for a combined total of six (6) months of coverage, and a warranty for six (6) months would be provided with an additional six (6) months of coverage for a combined total of twelve (12) months of coverage. However, if the manufacturer’s warranty is for three (3) years, it would only be extended one (1) additional year.

This benefit is limited to no more than the original price of the purchased item (as shown on Your credit card receipt), less shipping and handling fees, up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim, and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per cardholder.

The benefit covers purchases made both inside and outside the U.S. The eligible item must have a valid original manufacturer’s U.S. repair warranty of three (3) years or less, store-purchased dealer warranty, or an assembler warranty.

What Extended Protection does not cover

  • Boats, automobiles, aircraft, and any other motorized vehicles and their motors, equipment, or accessories, including trailers and other items that can be towed by or attached to any motorized vehicle
  • Any costs other than those specifically covered under the terms of the original manufacturer’s written U.S. repair warranty, as supplied by the original manufacturer, or other eligible warranty
  • Items purchased for resale
  • Real estate and items which are intended to become part of real estate including, but not limited to, items that are hard-wired or hard-plumbed, garage doors, garage door openers, and ceiling fans
  • Rented or leased items
  • Computer software
  • Medical equipment
  • Used or pre-owned items (Refurbished items will be covered as long as it has a warranty with it and would not be considered used or pre-owned)

Filing an Extended Protection claim

To file a claim, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-397-9010 (or call collect outside the U.S., at 1-303-967-1093), immediately after the failure of Your covered item. Please note that if You do not notify the Benefit Administrator within sixty (60) days of product failure, Your claim may be denied.

The Benefit Administrator will request preliminary claim information, direct You to the appropriate repair facility, and send You the claim form. Gift recipients of eligible items are also covered, but they must provide all the documents needed to substantiate their claim.

If You received or purchased a service contract or an extended warranty when You purchased Your item, this benefit will be supplemental to, and in excess of, that coverage.

What You must submit to file a claim:

Fill out and sign the claim form the Benefit Administrator sent You, then submit the form within ninety (90) days of the product failure, along with the following documents:

  • A copy of Your monthly billing statement (showing the last four [4] digits of the Account number) demonstrating that the purchase was made on Your eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account
  • If more than one method of payment was used, please provide documentation as to additional currency, voucher, points or any other payment method utilized
  • A copy of the itemized sales receipt
  • A copy of the original manufacturer’s written U.S. warranty, and any other applicable warranty
  • A description of the item and its serial number, and any other documentation deemed necessary to substantiate Your claim (this includes bills and, if necessary, a copy of the maintenance record and receipts)
  • The original repair estimate or repair bill, indicating cause of failure
  • Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benefit Administrator to substantiate the claim

All claims must be fully substantiated.

For faster filing, or to learn more about Extended Warranty Protection, visit

How will I be reimbursed?

If You have substantiated Your claim and met the terms and conditions of the benefit, Your item will be replaced or repaired at the Benefit Administrator’s discretion, but for no more than the original purchase price of the covered item, as recorded on Your credit card receipt, less shipping and handling fees, up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim, and a maximum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per cardholder. You will only be reimbursed up to the amount charged to Your Account or the program limit, whichever is less. Under normal circumstances, reimbursement will occur within five (5) business days of the receipt and approval of all required documents.

If Your item is to be repaired, or You may go to an authorized repair facility and file a claim for reimbursement. Only valid and reasonable repairs made at the manufacturer’s authorized repair facility are covered.

In either case, the Benefit Administrator’s payment, replacement, or repair made in good faith will fulfill the obligation under this benefit.


Account means Your credit or debit card Accounts.

Eligible Person means a cardholder who pays for their purchase by using their eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with their covered Account.

You or Your means an Eligible Person who purchase their item to their eligible Account and/or with rewards program associated with their covered Account.

Additional provisions for Purchase Security and Extended Protection

  • Signed or pinned transactions are covered as long as You use Your eligible card to secure the transaction.
  • You shall do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss covered by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.
  • If You make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim, and Your benefit may be cancelled. Each cardholder agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.
  • No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.
  • This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, statement messages or electronic notification. The benefits described in this Guide will not apply to cardholders whose Accounts have been suspended or cancelled.
  • Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefits for cardholders, and if they do, they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the underwriter of these benefits and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.
  • After the Benefit Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.
  • This benefit does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims.


For more information about the benefit described in this guide, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-397-9010, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-303-967-1093.

Purchase Security

Life is full of surprises…some good surprises; and some, not so good.

For instance, Your son’s brand new iPad got soaked, in a sudden rainstorm at summer camp. But, You bought the item with Your card so, You may be covered. Purchase Security protects new retail purchases made with Your eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account within the first ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. To be eligible for this coverage, You need to purchase either a portion or the entire cost of the item using Your Account.

At the Benefit Administrator’s discretion, this benefit replaces, repairs, or reimburses You, up to the total purchase price of Your item for a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), per cardholder, in the event of theft or damage.

You are eligible for this benefit if You are a cardholder of an eligible card issued in the United States.

Gifts purchased for friends and family members may also be covered if they are purchased with Your covered Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

Purchase Security covers

Eligible items of property purchased with Your Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account are covered for theft or damage. Purchases made outside the United States are also covered as long as You purchased the item with Your covered Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

Purchase Security does not cover

  • Animals and living plants
  • Antiques or collectible items
  • Boats, aircraft, automobiles, and any other motorized vehicles and their motors, equipment, or accessories, including trailers and other items towable or attachable to any motorized vehicle
  • Broken items, unless the result of a covered occurrence
  • Computer software
  • Items purchased for resale
  • Items that are lost, or that “mysteriously disappear,” meaning they vanished in an unexplained manner, with no evidence of wrongdoing by one person or several
  • Items under the control and care of a common carrier (including the U.S. Postal Service, airplanes, or a delivery service)
  • Items in Your baggage (unless hand carried, or under Your supervision or that of a companion You know); includes jewelry and watches, among other things
  • Theft or damage stemming from abuse, fraud, hostilities (war, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, terrorist activities, and more); confiscation by authorities (if contraband or illegal); normal wear and tear; flood, earthquake, radioactive contamination; damage from inherent product defects
  • Theft or damage from misdelivery, or voluntarily parting with property
  • Medical equipment
  • Perishable or consumable items, including cosmetics, perfumes, rechargeable batteries, among others
  • Real estate and items intended for real estate, including hard-wired and hard-plumbed items, garage doors and openers, ceiling fans, among other items
  • Rented and leased items
  • Traveler’s checks, cash, tickets, credit or debit cards, among other negotiable purchased instruments
  • Items used or pre-owned (Refurbished items will not be considered used or pre-owned as long as accompanied by a warranty)

Filing a Purchase Security claim

Call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-848-1943, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-303-967-1096, within sixty (60) days of the damage or theft (if You wait longer, coverage may be denied). The Benefit Administrator will ask for some preliminary claim information, answer Your questions and send You a claim form. When You submit Your claim, be sure to include all information regarding Your claim including the time, place, cause and the amount to either replace or repair the item.

If You have insurance (homeowner’s, renter’s, car, employer or any other), You are required to file a claim with Your insurance company and to submit a copy of any claim settlement from Your insurance company along with Your claim form. Purchase Security provides coverage on an “excess” coverage basis, meaning it does not duplicate coverage, but pays for a loss only after valid and collectible insurance or indemnity (including, but not limited to, homeowner’s, renter’s, automobile, or employer’s insurance policies) has been exhausted. At that point, Purchase Security will cover the loss up to the amount charged to Your eligible Account, subject to the terms, exclusions, and limits of liability of the benefit.

This benefit also pays for the outstanding deductible portion of Your insurance or indemnity for eligible claims. The maximum total limit of liability is up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim occurrence and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per cardholder. You will receive no more than the purchase price as recorded on the eligible card receipt.

When a protected item is part of a pair or set, You will receive no more than the value (as described above) of the particular part or parts, stolen or damaged, regardless of any special value that item may have as part of such a pair or set, and no more than the proportionate part of an aggregate purchase price of such pair or set.

For faster filing, or to learn more about Purchase Security, visit

Gift recipients may file their own claims, if they have the necessary substantiating documents.

Please submit the following documents:

  • Your signed and completed claim form
  • A copy of Your monthly billing statement (showing the last four [4] digits of the Account number) demonstrating that the purchase was made on Your eligible Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your covered Account
  • If more than one method of payment was used, please provide documentation as to additional currency, voucher, points or any other payment method utilized
  • A copy of the itemized store receipt demonstrating that the purchase was made on Your eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account
  • Copy of the documentation of any other settlement of the loss (if applicable)
  • If the item is repairable, the estimate of repair OR a copy of the paid receipt/invoice for the repairs, indicating the type of damage to the claimed item (if applicable)
  • Copy of the police report (made within forty-eight (48) hours of the occurrence in the case of theft), fire report or incident report to substantiate the loss. If the loss was not reported, please provide a replacement receipt or other sufficient proof of loss deemed eligible solely by Your Benefits Specialist (if applicable)
  • Any other documents necessary to substantiate Your claim

In some cases of damage, You will be asked to send, at Your expense, the damaged item along with Your claim in order to substantiate the claim, so make sure to keep the damaged item in Your possession.

PLEASE NOTE: Your maximum recovery under the Purchase Security Benefit is the purchase price of the item, not to exceed the coverage limit.

Please return Your signed and completed form with all documentation within ninety (90) days of the date of theft or damage.

How will I be reimbursed?

Once You’ve met the conditions of this benefit, the Benefit Administrator will resolve Your claim in one of two ways:

  • A damaged item may be repaired, rebuilt, or replaced, while a stolen item will be replaced. Typically, You will receive notice about this decision within fifteen (15) days upon receipt of Your claim documentation.
  • You may receive payment to replace Your item, an amount not more than the original purchase price, less shipping and handling charges, up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per cardholder. You will only be reimbursed up to the dollar amount to replace or repair the item or the program limit, whichever is less. Under normal circumstances, reimbursement will take place within five (5) business days.

Ride Share Protection

Using a smartphone app to hail a ride from a private driver has become common practice in most areas. The convenience, customer support, and potential for cost savings have all lead to the rapid rise in popularity of these ridesharing services. As the popularity in using these services rises, it is important to remember that accidents can happen when you are traveling as a passenger while riding in a vehicle arranged by a Transportation Network Company. Fortunately, that is where Ride Share Protection can help.

You and your Traveling Companion(s) are automatically covered if your name is embossed on an eligible card issued in the United States and you use it to charge a portion of or the entire amount of the required fare to your Account.

How to use Ride Share Protection

  1. Contact a Transportation Network Company to arrange your Trip.
  2. Add your covered card as a payment method in the app and charge a portion of or the entire amount of the required fare to your Eligible Account.

The amount of the benefit is limited to the maximum benefit amounts shown below for each benefit per covered accident, per Eligible Person.

Coverage Benefit Amount per covered accident, per Eligible Person
Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance $300 (for Signature cardholders); $200 (all others cardholders)
Personal Property Benefit $200 (for Signature cardholders); $100 (all others cardholders)


How does it work?

Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance provides coverage up to $300 dollars per covered accident, for accidental loss of life, limb, sight, speech or hearing while on a covered Trip pre-arranged by a Transportation Network Company. If the cardholder’s injuries occur while on a covered Trip and results in a loss within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of an accident, the Company will pay the following percentage of the loss shown in the table below.

Loss Percentage of Loss of Life Benefit Amount
Loss of Life; Loss of Speech and Loss of Hearing; Loss of Speech or Hearing and Loss of one Hand, Foot or Sight of One Eye; Loss of Both Hands; Loss of Both Feet; Loss of Sight of Both Eyes; Loss of a combination of any two of a Loss of Hand, Loss of Foot or Loss of Sight of One Eye; Quadriplegia 100%
Loss of One Hand; Loss of One Foot; Loss of Sight of One Eye; Loss of Speech; Loss of Hearing; Hemiplegia; Paraplegia 50%
Loss of Thumb and Index Finger of the same hand; Uniplegia 25%


“Quadriplegia” means total Paralysis of both upper and lower limbs. “Hemiplegia” means total Paralysis of the upper and lower limbs on one side of the body. “Uniplegia” means total Paralysis of one lower limb or one upper limb. “Paraplegia” means total Paralysis of both lower limbs or both upper limbs. “Paralysis” means total loss of use. A Doctor must determine the loss of use to be complete and not reversible at the time the claim is submitted.

The accident must occur while the Eligible Person is on a Trip and is covered under the policy. Coverage applies in the event the Eligible Person is injured while riding as a passenger as well as entering and exiting a vehicle used on a Trip. If more than one loss is sustained by the Eligible Person as a result of the same accident, only one amount, the largest applicable to the losses incurred, will be paid. The Company will not pay more than one hundred percent (100%) of the maximum limit for all losses due to the same accident.

Loss must occur within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days after the Accident.

Personal Property Benefit reimburses the reasonable cost, up to $300 for Signature Cardholders and $200 for others per covered incident, for replacement of any personal property that is lost, damaged or totally destroyed, while the Eligible Person and their Traveling Companion(s) are on a Trip. In the event of an incident, the Company will require certification by a police or First Responder, in an incident report, that the item claimed was actually lost, damaged or totally destroyed. For lost items, you must follow your rideshare’s procedures for reporting lost items within 24 hours. Proof of contact and settlement, if any, will be needed for the claim process.

At it’s discretion and depending on the nature and circumstances of the incident, the Benefit Administrator may choose to address your claim in one of two ways:

  1. A damaged or totally destroyed item may be repaired, rebuilt or replaced wholly or in part.
  2. A lost item may be replaced.

You will be notified of the decision to repair, rebuild or replace your item within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the required documentation. Replacement costs will be the actual cash value (replacement cost less depreciation) of the articles at the time of loss up to the maximum benefit amount. “Personal Property” means personal goods belonging to the insured Eligible Person or for which he or she is responsible provided they are are taken on the Trip or acquired by the Eligible Person during the Trip.

What isn’t covered?

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit

The following exclusions will apply for any loss caused by or resulting from:

  1. Sickness or disease of any kind
  2. Stroke or cerebrovascular accident or event; cardiovascular accident or event; myocardial infarction or heart attack; coronary thrombosis; aneurysm
  3. Commission of or attempt to commit a felony by the Eligible Person
  4. Intentionally self-inflicted Injury, suicide or attempted suicide of the Eligible Person while sane or insane
  5. War or act of war, whether declared or not, participation in a civil disorder, riot or insurrection
  6. Participation in a race or speed contest
  7. Any illness or bodily Injury which occurs in the course of employment if benefits or compensation is available, in whole or in part, under the provisions of any legislation of any governmental unit; this exclusion applies regardless of whether the Eligible Person and their Traveling Companion(s) claims the benefits or compensation or recovers losses from a third party

Personal Property Benefit

The following exclusions apply to and no benefit will be provided for:

  1. Damage caused by moths, vermin, insects, or other animals
  2. Wear and tear
  3. Atmospheric or climatic conditions
  4. Gradual deterioration or defective materials or craftsmanship
  5. Mechanical or electrical failure
  6. More than a reasonable proportion of the total value of the set where the loss or damaged article is part of a set or pair
  7. Any loss not reported to either the police or Transportation Network Company within 24 hours of discovery
  8. Any loss that occurs at a time when this coverage is not in effect

If you have questions about this coverage, please call the Benefit Administrator at 1-844-702-1307.

How to File a Claim

  1. To file a claim, please call the Benefit Administrator at 1-844-702-1307. You must provide notice within ninety (90) days after the date of loss or as soon as reasonably possible. This notice must include enough information to identify you and your financial institution from whom this coverage was provided. Please note that failure to provide a claim notice within ninety (90) days will not invalidate or reduce any otherwise valid claim if notice is given as soon as is reasonably possible.
  2. The Benefit Administrator will ask you a few questions and send you the appropriate claim forms.
  3. Within ninety (90) days of your date of loss or as soon as reasonably possible, return your completed and signed claim form and the required documentation to the Benefit Administrator.

Please submit the following required documents

  • Your completed and signed claim form
  • A copy of the receipt received from the Transportation Network Company (showing the last four [4] digits of the Account number) demonstrating that the purchase was made on your eligible Account. If the receipt does not show the last four (4) digits of the Account number, your monthly billing statement reflecting this charge may be required.
  • Any other proof of loss that may be required to substantiate your claim

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit

  • A Police Report or First Responder accident report completed by the First Responder which identifies the Eligible Person and Traveling Companion(s) as Injured.
  • When required, a signed patient authorization to release medical information to the Company or its authorized representative
  • If a death occurs, a copy of the death certificate

Personal Property Benefit

  • For an item damaged or totally destroyed due to an accident, the Company will require an incident report from the police or First Responder stating that the item claimed was actually damaged or destroyed.
  • If the item is lost, please provide proof that the loss was reported within 24 hours to the police or Transportation Network Company as well as any settlement, if any.


Account means any credit card or debit card Account

Company means Indemnity Insurance Company of North America.

Eligible Person means a cardholder, an authorized user of an Eligible Account, a Family Member or Travelling Companion(s) for whom the required fare is paid using an Eligible Account making insurance in effect for that person. No person or entity other than the Eligible Person(s) described shall have any legal or equitable right, remedy claim or insurance proceeds arising under or arising out of this coverage.

Family Member means the Eligible Person’s, spouse, civil union partner, domestic partner, child, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother, sister, mother, father, grandparent, step-grandparent, grandchild, step-grandchild, step-child, step-brother, step-sister, step-parent, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, step-aunt, uncle, step-uncle, niece, nephew, legal guardian, foster child, ward, or legal ward; spouse, civil union partner or domestic partner of any of the above. Family Member also includes these relations to the Eligible Person’s spouse, civil union partner or domestic partner.

First Responder means an individual who is a trained or certified Law Enforcement Officer or Fire and Rescue Emergency individual or Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic who, upon arriving to an incident or emergency, assumes immediate responsibility for the protection and preservation of life, property, evidence and the environment.

Hospital means a facility that holds a valid license if it is required by the law; operates primarily for the care and treatment of sick or Injured persons as inpatients; has a staff of one or more Physicians available at all times; provides twenty-four (24 hour nursing service and has at least one registered professional nurse on duty or on call; has organized diagnostic and surgical facilities, either on the premises or in facilities available to the Hospital on a pre-arranged basis; and is not, except incidentally, a clinic, nursing home, rest home, or convalescent home for the aged, or similar institution.

Injury/Injured means a bodily Injury caused by an accident occurring while the Eligible Person is 1) on a Trip, 2) his/her coverage under the Policy is in force and 3) resulting directly and independently of all other causes of loss covered by the Policy. The Injury must be verified by a Physician.

Medically Necessary or Medical Necessity means the services or supplies provided by a Hospital, Physician or other provider that are required to identify or treat an Eligible Person’s illness or Injury and which are: 1) indicated for the symptom or diagnosis and treatment of the Eligible Person’s condition, disease, ailment or Injury; 2) appropriate with regard to standards of good medical practice; 3) not solely for the convenience of an Eligible Person, Physician or other provider; 4) the most appropriate supply or level of service which can be safely provided to the Eligible Person. When applied to the care of an inpatient, it further means that the Eligible Person’s medical symptoms or condition requires that the services cannot be safely provided to the Eligible Person as an Outpatient.

Physician means a licensed practitioner of the healing arts acting within the scope of his/her license.

Police Report means a report completed by a police officer that details that the loss occurred while the Eligible Person was riding as a passenger on a Trip.

Reasonable and Customary Charges means expenses which: 1) are charged for treatment, supplies, or medical services Medically Necessary to treat the Eligible Person’s condition; 2) do not exceed the usual level of charges for similar treatment, supplies or medical services in the locality where the expenses are incurred; and 3) do not include charges that would not have been made if no insurance existed.

In no event will the Reasonable and Customary Charges exceed the actual amount charged.

Transportation Network Company means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, or other entity, licensed by a government agency with the appropriate authority to issue such a license, that uses a digital network to connect riders to drivers who provide the transportation in their own non-commercial vehicles. It does not mean a taxicab association or a for-hire vehicle owner, unless using a Transportation Network Company to gain access to riders.

Travelling Companion(s) means a person(s) who shares the Eligible Person’s Trip and for whom the fare has been paid for by the Eligible Person.

Trip means a period of travel booked through a Transportation Network Company charged to an Eligible Account by an Eligible Person.

Additional Provisions for Ride Share Protection

  • The terms We, Us and Our below refer to Indemnity Insurance Company of North America.
  • You shall do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss covered by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.
  • If you make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim, and your benefit may be cancelled. Each cardholder agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.
  • No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.
  • This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, statement messages or electronic notification. The benefits described in this Guide will not apply to cardholders whose Accounts have been suspended or cancelled.
  • Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefits for cardholders, and if they do, they will notify you at least thirty (30) days in advance. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the Company of these benefits and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.
  • The Company has the right to have a Physician of their choice examine the Eligible Person as often as is reasonably necessary. This section applies when a claim is pending or while benefits are being paid. The Company also has the right to request an autopsy in the case of death, unless the law forbids it. The Company will pay the cost of the examination or autopsy.
  • After the Benefit Administrator has paid your claim, all your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the payment made to you. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.
  • This benefit does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims.

FORM RS NAC 04/2019 RS-O


Auto Collision Damage Waiver

No cardholder wants to incur the expense of repairing or replacing a rented car. But accidents do happen, and vehicles do get stolen. No matter what happens to Your rental car, You can be covered with Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver.

Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver reimburses You for damages caused by theft or collision — up to the Actual Cash Value of most rented cars. Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver covers no other type of loss. For example, in the event of a collision involving Your rented vehicle, damage to any other driver’s car or the injury of anyone or anything is not covered. Rental periods of thirty-one (31) consecutive days are covered. (Longer rental periods, however, are not covered.)

You are eligible if Your name is embossed on an eligible card issued in the United States or if You are authorized by Your company to rent an eligible vehicle using the company’s eligible Account, as long the rental is purchased entirely with the Account. Only You, as the primary renter of the vehicle, and any additional drivers permitted by the Rental Car Agreement are covered.

How Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver works with other insurance

Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver covers theft, damage, valid loss-of-use charges imposed and substantiated by the auto rental company, administrative fees and reasonable and customary towing charges, due to a covered theft or damage to the nearest qualified repair facility.

If the Rental Vehicle is for commercial and/or business purposes, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver benefit acts as primary coverage, and You may be reimbursed for up to the actual cash value of the vehicle.

If the Rental Vehicle is for personal reasons, this benefit is secondary coverage, supplemental to Your personal automobile insurance, meaning You may only be reimbursed for the amount of Your personal insurance deductible or other charges, including valid administrative and loss-of-use charges not covered under Your personal insurance policy. If You are renting outside Your country of residence, or if You do not have automobile insurance, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver acts as primary coverage.

How to use Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver

  1. Use Your card to initiate and complete Your entire car rental transaction.
  2. Review the auto rental agreement and decline the rental company’s collision damage waiver (CDW/LDW) option, or a similar provision, as accepting this coverage will cancel out Your benefit. If the rental company insists that You purchase their insurance or collision damage waiver, call the Benefit Administrator for assistance at 1-800-348-8472. Outside the United States, call collect at 1-804-673-1164.

Before You leave the lot, be sure to check the car for any prior damage.

This benefit is in effect during the time the rental car is in Your (or an authorized driver’s) control, and it terminates when the rental company reassumes control of their vehicle.

This benefit is available in the United States and most foreign countries (with the exception of Israel, Jamaica, the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland). However, this benefit is not available where precluded by law, or where it’s in violation of the territory terms of the auto rental agreement, or when prohibited by individual merchants. Because regulations vary outside the United States, check with Your auto rental company and the Benefit Administrator before You travel, to be sure that Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver will apply.

Vehicles not covered

Certain vehicles are not covered by this benefit, they consist of expensive, exotic, and antique cars; cargo vans; certain vans; vehicles with an open cargo bed; trucks; motorcycles; mopeds; motorbikes; limousines; and recreational vehicles.

Examples of expensive or exotic cars are the Alfa Romeo, Aston Martin, Bentley, Corvette, Ferrari, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, Maybach, McLaren, Porsche, Rolls Royce, and Tesla. However, selected models of Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, Infiniti, Land Rover, Lexus, Lincoln, and Range Rover are covered.

An antique car is defined as one that is over twenty (20) years old, or one that has not been manufactured for ten (10) years or more.

Vans are not covered. But those designed as small-group transportation vehicles (seating up to nine [9] people, including the driver) are covered.

If You have questions about a specific vehicle’s coverage or organization where the vehicle is being reserved, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-348-8472 or call collect outside the United States at 1-804-673-1164.

Related instances & losses not covered

  • Any obligation You assume under any agreement (other than the deductible on Your personal auto policy)
  • Any violation of the auto rental agreement or this benefit
  • Injury of anyone, or damage to anything, inside or outside the Rental Vehicle
  • Loss or theft of personal belongings
  • Personal liability
  • Expenses assumed, waived, or paid by the auto rental company, or its insurer
  • The cost of any insurance, or collision damage waiver, offered by or purchased through the auto rental company
  • Depreciation of the Rental Vehicle caused by the incident including, but not limited to, “diminished value”
  • Expenses reimbursable by Your insurer, employer, or employer’s insurance
  • Theft or damage due to intentional acts, or due to the driver(s) being under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, or drugs, or due to contraband, or illegal activities
  • Wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical breakdown
  • Items not installed by the original manufacturer
  • Damage due to off-road operation of the Rental Vehicle
  • Theft or damage due to hostility of any kind (including, but not limited to, war, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, or terrorist activities)
  • Confiscation by authorities
  • Vehicles that do not meet the definition of covered vehicles
  • Rental periods that either exceed, or are intended to exceed thirty-one (31) consecutive days
  • Leases and mini leases
  • Theft or damage as a result of the authorized driver’s and/or cardholder’s lack of reasonable care in protecting the Rental Vehicle before and/or after the damage or theft occurs (for example, leaving the car running and unattended)
  • Theft or damage reported more than forty-five (45) days* after the date of the incident
  • Theft or damage for which a claim form has not been received within ninety (90) days* from the date of the incident
  • Theft or damage for which all required documentation has not been received within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days after the date of the incident
  • Theft or damage from rental transactions that originated in Israel, Jamaica, the Republic of Ireland, or Northern Ireland

*Not applicable to residents in certain states

Filing a claim

It is Your responsibility as a cardholder to make every effort to protect Your Rental Vehicle from damage or theft. If You have an accident, or Your Rental Vehicle has been stolen, immediately call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-348-8472 to report the incident, regardless of whether Your liability has been established. Outside the United States, call collect at 1-804-673-1164.

You should report the theft or damage as soon as possible but no later than forty-five (45) days from the date of the incident.

The Benefit Administrator reserves the right to deny any claim containing charges that would not have been included, if notification occurred before the expenses were incurred. Thus, it’s in Your best interest to notify the Benefit Administrator immediately after an incident. Reporting to any other person will not fulfill this obligation.

What You must submit to file a claim

At the time of the theft or damage, or when You return the Rental Vehicle, ask Your car rental company for the following documents:

  • A copy of the accident report form
  • A copy of the initial and final auto rental agreements (front and back)
  • A copy of the repair estimate and itemized repair bill
  • Two (2) photographs of the damaged vehicle, if available
  • A police report, if obtainable
  • A copy of the demand letter which indicates the costs You are responsible for and any amounts that have been paid toward the claim.

Submit all of the above documents from the rental company, along with the following documents, to the Benefit Administrator:

  • The completed and signed Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver claim form (Important: This must be postmarked within ninety (90) days* of the theft or damage date, even if all other required documentation is not yet available – or Your claim may be denied).
  • A copy of Your monthly billing statement (showing the last four [4] digits of the Account number) demonstrating that the entire rental transaction was made on Your eligible Account.
  • If the rental was for personal use, a statement from Your insurance carrier (and/or Your employer or employer’s insurance carrier, if applicable), or other reimbursement showing the costs for which You are responsible, and any amounts that have been paid toward the claim. Or, if You have no applicable insurance or reimbursement, a statement of no insurance or reimbursement is required.
  • If the rental was for personal use, a copy of Your primary insurance policy’s Declarations Page (if applicable), to confirm Your deductible (This means the document(s) in Your insurance policy that lists names, coverages, limits, effective dates, and deductibles).
  • Any other documentation required by the Benefit Administrator to substantiate the claim.

Finally, please note that all remaining documents must be postmarked within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days* of the theft or damage date or Your claim may be denied.

*Not applicable to residents of certain states.

For faster filing, or to learn more about Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, visit

Finalizing Your claim

Your claim will typically be finalized within fifteen (15) days, after the Benefit Administrator has received all the documentation needed to substantiate Your claim.

Transference of claims

Once Your claim has been paid, all Your rights and remedies against any party in regard to this theft or damage will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator, to the extent of the cost of payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.


Account means Your credit or debit card Accounts.

Actual Cash Value means the amount a Rental Vehicle is determined to be worth based on its market value, age and condition at the time of loss.

Eligible Person means a cardholder who pays for their auto rental by using their eligible Account.

Rental Car Agreement means the entire contract an eligible renter receives when renting a Rental Vehicle from a rental car agency which describes in full all of the terms and conditions of the rental, as well as the responsibilities of all parties under the contract.

Rental Vehicle means a land motor vehicle with four or more wheels as described in the participating organization’s disclosure statement which the eligible renter has rented for the period of time shown on the Rental Car Agreement and does not have a manufacturer’s suggested retail price exceeding the amount shown on the participating organization’s disclosure statement

You or Your means an Eligible Person who uses their eligible card to initiate and complete the rental car transaction.

Additional provisions for Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver

  • Signed or pinned transactions are covered as long as You use Your eligible Account to secure the transaction.
  • You shall do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss covered by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.
  • If You make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim, and Your benefit may be cancelled. Each cardholder agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.
  • No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.
  • This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, statement messages or electronic notification. The benefits described in this Guide to Benefits will not apply to cardholders whose Accounts have been suspended or cancelled.
  • Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefits for cardholders, and if they do, they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the underwriter of these benefits and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.
  • After the Benefit Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.
  • This benefit does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims.

FORM #BCDW01 – 2017 (04/17) ARCDW-B

For more information about the benefit described in this guide, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-348-8472, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-804-673-1164.

Emergency Medical and Dental

Needing emergency medical or dental treatment during Your travel is something You don’t want to have to worry about, but when it happens, it is good to know that there is help with some of Your covered expenses.

It can be an overwhelming and expensive experience when You are dealing with an emergency away from Your home. To try and help ease some of the financial burden, You can receive coverage if You, Your spouse or dependent children require Emergency Treatment while on a Covered Trip.

Emergency Medical/Dental provides reimbursement for Emergency Treatment if You become sick or accidentally injured while traveling on a Covered Trip purchased with Your eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account. To be eligible for this coverage, You need to purchase either a portion or the entire cost of the Covered Trip using Your covered Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

You, Your spouse and Your dependent children are eligible for coverage if You purchase a Covered Trip with Your eligible card issued in the United States and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

Emergency Medical/Dental benefit limit: up to two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00); subject to a fifty-dollar ($50.00) deductible.

What is Emergency Medical/Dental and when does it apply?

The Emergency Medical/Dental benefit applies if You suffer an injury or illness and require Emergency Treatment during Your Covered Trip. The Covered Trip must take place via a Common Carrier, be no less than five (5) days and no more than sixty (60) days and at least one hundred* (100) miles from Your Residence.

*Note: Under New York laws, when a cardholder’s mailing address is in the State of New York, the requirement that You must be one hundred (100) or more miles from Your Residence does not apply.

Your covered medical expenses are necessary services and supplies that are recommended by Your attending physician and take place during the course of Your Covered Trip. They include:

  • The services of a legally qualified physician, surgeon, graduate nurse, dentist, or osteopath
  • Charges for hospital confinement and use of operating rooms
  • Charges for anesthetics (including administration), x-ray examinations or treatments, and laboratory tests
  • Ambulance services
  • Drugs, medicines, and therapeutic services and supplies

This benefit is supplemental to and excess of any valid and collectible insurance or other reimbursement.

What if I need to recuperate after my hospital stay?

If You are hospitalized as a result of a covered accident or sickness during Your Covered Trip and Your attending physician determines that You should recover in a hotel immediately after Your release from the hospital and before returning home, You may be eligible for an additional benefit of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per day for up to a maximum of five (5) days towards the cost of a hotel room.

What is not covered?

Benefits will not be paid in excess of the Reasonable and Customary charges. These benefits do not cover any expense resulting from the following:

  • Travel for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment
  • Non-emergency services, supplies or charges
  • Services, supplies, or charges rendered by You, Your spouse, dependent children or family member.
  • Care not prescribed by or performed by or upon the direction of a physician or dentist
  • Care not medically necessary as determined by the Benefit Administrator
  • Care rendered by a provider other than a hospital, physician, or dentist
  • Care which is experimental/investigative in nature
  • Care for any illness or bodily injury that occurs in the course of employment if You are eligible for benefits or compensation in whole or in part, under the provisions of any legislation of any governmental unit (for example – workers compensation coverage). This applies whether or not You claim or recover any benefits or compensation and whether or not You recover losses from a third party.
  • Payments to the extent benefits are provided by any governmental agency or unit (except Medicare)
  • Care received for which You would have no legal obligation to pay in the absence of this or any similar benefit
  • Care received in Afghanistan, Burma, El Salvador, Iran, Iraq, Kampuchea, Laos, Lebanon, Nicaragua, North Korea, Vietnam, Yemen, and any other country which may be determined by the U.S. Government from time to time to be unsafe for travel.
  • Care for any illness or injury suffered due to:
    • Self-inflicted harm
    • Attempted suicide
    • Mental health issues
    • Alcoholism or substance abuse
    • War; military duty; civil disorder
    • Air travel except as a passenger on a licensed aircraft operated by an airline or air charter company
    • Routine physical examinations
    • Hearing aids; eyeglasses or contact lenses
    • Routine dental care, including dentures and false teeth
    • Hernia, unless it results from a covered accident
    • Elective abortion
    • Participation in or attempt at a felonious act
    • Skydiving, scuba, skin, or deep sea diving
    • Hang gliding, parachuting, rock climbing and contests of speed

How to file an Emergency Medical/Dental claim

  1. Within ninety (90) days of receiving medical care while on an eligible Covered Trip notify the Benefits Administrator at 1-800-434-1280, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-804-673-6499. The Benefits Administrator will answer Your questions and send You a claim form.
  2. Return the claim form and the requested documentation below within one-hundred and eighty (180) days of the date of the event to the address below:Card Benefit Services
    P.O. Box 72034
    Richmond, VA 23255

Please submit the following documents:

  • The completed signed claim form
  • A copy of Your monthly billing statement or the travel itinerary (showing the last four [4] digits of the Account number) confirming the Common Carrier ticket was charged to Your covered Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account
  • If more than one method of payment was used, please provide documentation as to additional currency, voucher, points or any other payment method utilized
  • A statement from Your insurance carrier (and/or Your employer, or Your employer’s insurance carrier) or other reimbursement showing any amounts they may have paid towards the costs claimed Or, if You have no other applicable insurance or reimbursement, please provide a statement to that effect
  • A copy of any other valid and collectible insurance or reimbursement available to You if applicable
  • Receipts for the eligible medical/dental expenses
  • Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benefit Administrator to substantiate the claim


Account means Your credit or debit card Accounts.

Common Carrier means any mode of transportation by land, water or air operating for hire under a license to carry passengers for which a ticket must be purchased prior to travel. Does not include taxi, limousine service, commuter rail or commuter bus lines.

Covered Trip means arrangements that are made by a commercial licensed travel establishment consisting of travel agencies and/or Common Carrier organizations, for which the expense has been charged to Your eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account, and which is not less than five (5) consecutive days but does not exceed sixty (60) consecutive days in duration.

Eligible Person means a cardholder, his/her spouse or legally dependent children under age eighteen (18) [twenty-five (25) if enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited university whose Covered Trip was paid for by using their eligible card and/or rewards program associated with their covered Account.

Emergency Treatment means the services or supplies provided by a dentist, hospital, physician or other provider which are medically necessary to treat any injury, sickness or other covered condition where the onset is sudden and unexpected, considered life-threatening, and if left untreated, could deteriorate resulting in serious and irreparable harm.

Reasonable and Customary Charges means charges commonly used by providers of medical care in the locality in which care is furnished.

Residence means Your home address as listed in Your card issuer’s file or address reflected on Your billing statement. The home address from the card issuer’s records will take precedence over billing statement address in determining the eligibility of coverage.

You or Your means an Eligible Person or Your spouse or dependent children who charged their Covered Trip to Your eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

Additional provisions for Emergency Medical/Dental Coverage

  • Signed or pinned transactions are covered as long as You use Your eligible card to secure the transaction.
  • You shall do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss covered by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.
  • If You make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim, and Your benefit may be canceled. Each cardholder agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.
  • No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.
  • This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, statement messages or electronic notification. The benefits described in this Guide will not apply to cardholders whose Accounts have been suspended or canceled.
  • Termination dates may vary by financial institution. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefits for cardholders, and if they do, they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the underwriter of these benefits and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.
  • After the Benefit Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.
  • This benefit does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims.

FORM #OPTMEDDENT – 2017 (04/17) EM-O

For more information about the benefit described in this guide, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-434-1280, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-804-673-6499.

Lost Luggage Reimbursement

Have You ever been waiting for Your Checked Luggage to come around the belt only to find that it has been lost by Your airline?

Fortunately, Lost Luggage Reimbursement is here to help. With Lost Luggage Reimbursement, You can be reimbursed for the difference between the “value of the amount claimed” and the Common Carrier’s payment up to $3,000 per Covered Trip (for New York residents, coverage is limited to two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per bag), provided the Checked Luggage and/or Carry-on Baggage and/or its contents was lost due to theft or misdirection by the Common Carrier. “Value of the amount claimed” is the lesser of the following three amounts: the original purchase price of the item(s), the actual cash value of the item(s) at the time of theft or misdirection (with appropriate deduction for depreciation), and the cost to replace the item(s).

You and Your Immediate Family Members are all eligible for this benefit when You take a Covered Trip and pay for the cost of Your Common Carrier tickets with Your eligible card issued in the United States and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account. To be eligible for coverage, You must purchase a portion or the entire cost of the Covered Trip with Your covered Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account. Only Your Checked Luggage and/or Carry-On Baggage and/or its contents is covered.

This benefit is supplemental to and excess of any collectible insurance and/or collectible reimbursement from any other source. The Benefit Administrator will refund the excess amount once all other reimbursement has been exhausted up to the limit of liability.

Please Note: You must take all reasonable means to protect, save and/or recover Your Checked Luggage and/or Carry-on Baggage and/or its contents at all times.

What is not covered?

Luggage Reimbursement does not apply to loss or theft of the following items:

  • Automobiles, automobile accessories and/or equipment, motorcycles, motors, bicycles (except when checked with the Common Carrier), boats, or other vehicles or conveyances
  • Contact lenses, eyeglasses, sunglasses, hearing aids, artificial teeth, dental bridges, and prosthetic limbs
  • Money, securities, credit or debit cards, checks, and travelers’ checks
  • Tickets, documents (travel or otherwise), keys, coins, deeds, bullion, stamps, perishables, consumables, perfume, cosmetics, rugs and carpets, animals, cameras, sporting equipment, and household furniture
  • Property shipped as freight or shipped prior to the Covered Trip departure date
  • Items specifically identified or described in and insured under any other insurance policy
  • Losses arising from confiscation or expropriation by any government or public authority or detention by customs or other officials
  • Losses resulting from abuse, fraud, hostilities of any kind (including, but not limited to, war, invasion, rebellion, or insurrection)
  • Business items (items that are used in the purchase, sale, production, promotion, or distribution of goods or services including but not limited to, manuals, computers and their accessories, software, data, facsimile, samples, collateral materials, etc.), cellular telephones, or art objects

How to file a Lost Luggage Reimbursement claim

Immediately notify the Common Carrier to begin their claims process if Your luggage and/or its contents are lost or stolen.

Within twenty (20) days of the date Your luggage is lost or stolen, and You have notified the Common Carrier and begun their claims process, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-757-1274, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-804-673-6496. The Benefit Administrator will ask You for some preliminary claim information and send You a special claim form. If You do not notify the Benefit Administrator within twenty (20) days of the date the luggage was lost or stolen, Your claim may be denied.

Within ninety (90) days of the date Your luggage was lost or stolen, return Your claim form and the requested documentation below to the address provided by the Benefit Administrator:

  • A copy of Your monthly billing statement or the travel itinerary (showing the last four [4] digits of the Account number) confirming the Common Carrier ticket was charged to the covered Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account
  • If more than one method of payment was used, please provide documentation as to additional currency, voucher, points or any other payment method utilized
  • A copy of ticketing by the Common Carrier, including but not limited to itinerary, boarding pass, or used ticket stub
  • A copy of any check, settlement, denial or explanation of coverage issued by the Common Carrier together with a copy of the Common Carrier’s completed claim form, a list of the items lost and their value, and a copy of the luggage claim check (if applicable)
  • A copy of Your insurance policy’s Declarations Page (if applicable) to confirm Your deductible (Declarations Page means the document(s) in Your insurance policy that lists names, coverages, limits, effective dates and deductibles)
  • A copy of any settlement of the loss or theft from Your primary insurance
  • Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Benefit Administrator to substantiate the loss or theft

For faster filing, or to learn more about Lost Luggage Reimbursement visit

If You have personal insurance (i.e., homeowner’s, renter’s, or other insurance applicable to the lost or stolen luggage or contents), You are required to file a claim with Your insurance company and submit a copy of any claim settlement along with Your completed claim form.

If the claim amount is within Your personal insurance deductible, the Benefit Administrator may, at its discretion, deem a copy of Your personal insurance Declarations Page to be sufficient.

Transference of claims

After the Benefit Administrator has paid Your claim of loss or theft under this reimbursement benefit, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this loss or damage will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.


Account means Your credit or debit card Accounts.

Carry-on Baggage means the baggage which You personally carry onto the Common Carrier and for which You retain responsibility.

Checked Luggage means suitcases or other containers specifically designed for carrying personal belongings, for which a claim check has been issued to You by a Common Carrier.

Common Carrier means any land, water, or air conveyance operated under a license for the transportation of passengers for hire and for which a ticket must be purchased prior to commencing travel. Common Carrier does not include taxis, limousine services, or commuter rail or commuter bus lines.

Covered Trip means a trip while the Eligible Person is riding on a Common Carrier as a passenger and not as a pilot, operator or crew member, for which the expense has been charged to Your eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account, and which is not less than five (5) consecutive days but does not exceed sixty (60) consecutive days in duration.

Eligible Person means a cardholder who pays for their Covered Trip by using their eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with their covered Account.

Immediate Family Member means Your Spouse or legally dependent children under age eighteen (18), [twenty-five (25) if enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited university].

Spouse includes Your domestic partner which is a person who is at least 18 years of age and who during the last twelve months: 1) has been in a committed relationship with the cardholder; (2) has been the cardholder’s sole spousal equivalent; (3) has resided in the same household as the cardholder; and (4) has been jointly responsible with the cardholder for each other’s financial obligations and who intends to continue the relationship as stated above indefinitely.

You or Your means an Eligible Person or Your Immediate Family Members who charged a portion of their Covered Trip to Your eligible Account and/or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

Additional provisions for Lost Luggage Reimbursement

  • Signed or pinned transactions are covered as long as You use Your eligible card to secure the transaction. You shall do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss covered by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.
  • If you make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim, and Your benefit may be cancelled. Each cardholder agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.
  • No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.
  • This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, statement messages or electronic notification. The benefits described in this Guide will not apply to cardholders whose Accounts have been suspended or cancelled.
  • Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefits for cardholders, and if they do, they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America (“Provider”) is the underwriter of these benefits and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.
  • After the Benefit Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of the payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.
  • This benefit does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims

FORM #LUGOPT – 2017 (04/17) LL-3/5-O

For more information about the benefit described in this guide, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-757-1274, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-804-673-6496.

Travel and Emergency Assistance

Emergencies can escalate quickly when You are traveling away from home. Something that is relatively straight forward when You are not traveling, like replacing prescription medication, can be a difficult task when You are dealing with local laws or language barriers.

Travel and Emergency Assistance Services are made available to help You in case of an emergency while You are traveling away from home. The Benefit Administrator can connect You with the appropriate local emergency and assistance resources available, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Please note that due to occasional issues such as distance, location, or time, neither the Benefit Administrator nor its service providers can be responsible for the availability, use, cost, or results of any medical, legal, transportation, or other services.

What are Travel and Emergency Assistance Services and how do I use these services when I need them?

Travel and Emergency Assistance Services are made available to You, if You are a cardholder of an eligible card issued in the United States. You, Your Immediate Family Members and business associates are also eligible to use these services. Travel and Emergency Assistance Services provide assistance and referral only. You are responsible for the cost of any actual medical, legal, transportation, cash advance, or other services or goods provided.

To use the services, simply call the toll-free, 24-hour Benefit Administrator line at 1-800-397-9010. If You are outside the United States, call collect at 1-303-967-1093.

What are the specific services and how can they help me?

  • Emergency Message Service – can record and relay emergency messages for travelers, their Immediate Family Members or business associates. The Benefit Administrator will use reasonable efforts to relay emergency messages in accordance with benefit guidelines and limitations, but cannot take responsibility for the failure to transmit any message successfully. All costs are Your responsibility.
  • Medical Referral Assistance – provides medical referral, monitoring, and follow-up. The Benefit Administrator can give You names of local English-speaking doctors, dentists, and hospitals; assign a doctor to consult by phone with local medical personnel, if necessary, to monitor Your condition; keep in contact with Your family, and provide continuing liaison; and help You arrange medical payments from Your personal account. All costs are Your responsibility.
  • Legal Referral Assistance – can arrange contact with English-speaking attorneys and U.S. embassies and consulates if You’re detained by local authorities, have a car accident, or need legal assistance. In addition, the Benefit Administrator can coordinate bail payment from Your personal account. The Benefit Administrator can also follow up to make sure bail has been properly handled. All costs are Your responsibility.
  • Emergency Transportation Assistance – can help You make all the necessary arrangements for emergency transportation home or to the nearest medical facility. This includes arranging to bring Your Immediate Family Members or business associates home and helping You stay in contact with family members or employers during the emergency. In the case of a death, the Benefit Administrator can make arrangements to repatriate the remains. All costs are Your responsibility.
  • Emergency Ticket Replacement – helps You through Your carrier’s lost ticket reimbursement process and assists in the delivery of a replacement ticket to You, should You lose Your ticket. All costs are Your responsibility.
  • Lost Luggage Locator Service – can help You through the Common Carrier’s claim procedures or can arrange shipment of replacement items if an airline or Common Carrier loses Your checked luggage. You are responsible for the cost of any replacement items shipped to You.
  • Emergency Translation Services – provides telephone assistance in all major languages and helps find local interpreters, if available, when You need more extensive assistance. All costs are Your responsibility.
  • Prescription Assistance and Valuable Document Delivery Arrangements – can help You fill or replace prescriptions, subject to local laws, and can arrange pickup and delivery of Your prescriptions filled for You at local pharmacies. It can also help transport critical documents that You may have left at Your home or elsewhere. All costs are Your responsibility.
  • Pre-Trip Assistance – can give You information on Your destination before You leave – such as ATM locations, currency exchange rates, weather reports, health precautions, necessary immunizations, and required passport visas.


Common Carrier means any mode of transportation by land, water or air operating for hire under a license to carry passengers for which a ticket must be purchased prior to travel. Does not include taxi, limousine service, commuter rail or commuter bus lines.

Immediate Family Member means Your Spouse or dependent children under twenty-two (22) years old.

You or Your means an eligible person whose name is embossed on an eligible U.S. issued card, and You reside in the United States.

Additional provisions for Travel and Emergency Assistance Services

This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, statement messages or electronic notification. The benefits described in this Guide to Benefits will not apply to cardholders whose accounts have been suspended or cancelled.

FORM #TEASB – 2017 (04/17) TEAS-SB

For more information about the benefit described in this guide, call the Benefit Administrator at 1-800-397-9010, or call collect outside the U.S. at 1-303-967-1093.

Trip Cancellation and Interruption

Sometimes the unexpected happens and Your travel arrangements don’t go as planned.

You’ve done a great job preparing for Your Trip. Your flights have been booked, You confirmed Your reservation with Your hotel and You even rented a car so You can sightsee. But what if You have to cancel Your trip because of the death of an Immediate Family Member? What if the airline You booked Your flight through declares bankruptcy? Fortunately, Trip Cancellation and Interruption benefits are available to help You with these unforeseen circumstances that could disrupt Your travel plans.

Trip Cancellation and Interruption benefits pay up to $2,000 per Insured Person for the non-refundable Common Carrier ticket(s) that You paid for with Your covered Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your covered Account. You, Your spouse (or Domestic Partner) and Your Dependent Children are eligible for coverage if You charge the entire cost of the Trip using Your Account, less redeemable certificates, vouchers, or coupons, or rewards program associated with Your covered Account.

The Trip Cancellation or Interruption must be caused by or result from:

  1. The death, Accidental Bodily Injury, disease or physical illness of You or an Immediate Family Member of the Insured person; or
  2. Default of the Common Carrier resulting from financial insolvency.

The death, Accidental injury, disease or physical illness must be verified by a Physician and must prevent You from traveling on the trip.

Note: Common Carriers may issue a credit voucher for the value of the unused ticket. A fee may be associated with changing or cancelling the ticket. Reimbursement of fee may be eligible at time of Loss. Most Common Carrier credit vouchers expire in one year. Proof of unused credit voucher can be submitted for reimbursement after expiration. Payment will not exceed either the actual Non-Refundable amount paid by the Insured Person for a Common Carrier passenger(s) fare(s), or up to $2,000.

The following exclusions apply to financial services Common Carrier Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption only

No Trip Cancellation or Interruption benefits will be paid for Loss caused by or resulting from:

  • A Pre-existing Condition
  • Accidental Bodily Injuries arising from participation in interscholastic or professional sports events, racing or speed contests, or uncertified scuba diving
  • Cosmetic surgery, unless such cosmetic surgery is rendered necessary as a result of a Loss covered under this policy
  • The Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member being under the influence of drugs (except those prescribed and used as directed by a Physician) or alcohol
  • The Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member: a) traveling against the advice of a Physician; or b) traveling while on a waiting list for specified medical treatment; or c) traveling for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment; or d) traveling in the third trimester (seventh month or after) of pregnancy
  • Suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-inflicted injuries
  • Declared or undeclared war, but war does not include acts of terrorism
  • An Insured Person’s emotional trauma, mental or physical illness, disease, pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage, bacterial or viral infection or bodily malfunctions, except physical illness or disease which prevent the Insured Person from traveling on a Covered Trip. This Exclusion does not apply to Loss resulting from an Insured Person’s bacterial infection caused by an Accident or from Accidental consumption of a substance contaminated by bacteria

How to file a Trip Cancellation or Interruption claim

Within twenty (20) days of the Trip Cancellation or interruption or as soon as reasonably possible, You must provide (written) claim notice to the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator will ask You for some preliminary information and send You the appropriate claim forms. Failure to give notice within twenty (20) days will not invalidate or reduce any otherwise valid claim, if notice is given as soon as reasonably possible.

When the Plan Administrator receives notice of a claim, the Plan Administrator will send You forms for giving proof of Loss within fifteen (15) days. If You do not receive the forms, You should send the Plan Administrator a written description of the Loss.

Answers to specific questions can be obtained by writing to the Plan Administrator. To make a claim, please contact the Plan Administrator:

Card Benefit Services
550 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 309
Harrison, NY 10528

Please return Your completed and signed claim form and the documents listed below as soon as possible to the Plan Administrator:

  • A copy of Your monthly billing statement or the travel itinerary (showing the last four [4] digits of the Account number) confirming the Common Carrier ticket was purchased using the covered Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your covered Account.
  • If more than one method of payment was used, please provide documentation as to additional currency, voucher, points or any other payment method utilized.
  • Confirmation of the non-refundable amounts for the unused Common Carrier tickets and/or travel vouchers
  • Confirmation that the tickets were cancelled with the Common Carrier
  • A copy of the travel itinerary showing the passenger names and ticket cost
  • Confirmation of the reason for the Trip Cancellation; (completed attached physician statement, confirmation of death of Immediate Family Member or documentation confirming any other cause of Loss)
  • A copy of the cancellation or refund policies of the Common Carrier, Tour Operator or Travel Supplier

Additional Travel Accident benefit

As a cardholder, You, Your spouse (or Domestic Partner), and unmarried Dependent Children will be automatically insured up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for Accidental Loss of life, limb, sight, speech, or hearing. This benefit applies while:

  1. Riding as a passenger in or entering or exiting any Common Carrier; or
  2. Riding as a passenger in, entering, or exiting any conveyance licensed to carry the public for a fee and while traveling to or from the airport:
    1. Immediately preceding the departure of a Common Carrier on which the Insured Person has purchased passage; and
    2. Immediately following the arrival of a Common Carrier on which the Insured Person was a passenger; or
  3. At the airport, terminal or station, at the beginning or end of the Common Carrier Covered Trip.
Covered Loss Benefit Maximum
Accidental Loss of Life, two or more Members, sight of both eyes, speech and hearing or any combination thereof $1,000.00
Accidental Loss of one Member, sight of one eye, speech or hearing $500.00
Accidental Loss of the thumb and index finger of the same hand $250.00

Loss means, with respect to a hand, complete severance through or above the knuckle joints of at least four (4) fingers on the same hand or at least three (3) fingers and the thumb on the same hand; with respect to a foot, complete severance through or above the ankle joint. The Company will consider it a Loss of hand or foot even if the fingers, thumb, or foot is later reattached.

In order to be eligible for this additional coverage, the entire cost of the Common Carrier passenger fare(s), less redeemable certificates, vouchers, or coupons, must be charged to Your covered Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your covered Account during the policy period. If the purchase is not made prior to the Insured Person’s arrival at the airport, coverage begins at the time the entire cost of the Common Carrier passenger fare is purchased.

This travel accident benefit is provided to eligible cardholders. Your financial institution pays the cardholder’s premium as a benefit of the card membership.

The Loss must occur within one year of the Accident. The Company will pay the single largest applicable Benefit Amount. In the event of multiple Accidental deaths per Account arising from any one Accident, the Company’s liability for all such Losses will be subject to a maximum limit of insurance equal to two times the Benefit Amount for Loss of life. Benefits will be proportionately divided among the Insured Persons up to the maximum limit of insurance.

The Loss of Life benefit will be paid to the Beneficiary designated by You. If no such designation has been made, that benefit will be paid to the first surviving Beneficiary in the following order: a) Your spouse, b) Your Children, c) Your parents, d) Your brothers and sisters, e) Your estate. All other indemnities will be paid to You.

The following exclusions apply to the Travel Accident benefit

Loss caused by or resulting from:

  • An Insured Person’s emotional trauma, mental or physical illness, disease, normal pregnancy, normal childbirth or elective abortion, bacterial or viral infection, or bodily malfunctions. This exclusion does not apply to Loss resulting from an Insured Person’s bacterial infection caused by an Accident or from Accidental consumption of a substance contaminated by bacteria
  • Suicide, attempted suicide, or intentionally self-inflicted injuries
  • Declared or undeclared war, but war does not include acts of terrorism
  • An Accident occurring while You are in, entering, or exiting any aircraft while acting or training as a pilot or crew member (does not apply if You temporarily perform pilot or crew functions in a life-threatening emergency)

How to file a Travel Accident benefit claim

Within twenty (20) days of the accident or as soon as reasonably possible, You must provide (written) claim notice to the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator will ask You for some preliminary information and send You the appropriate claim forms. Failure to give notice within twenty (20) days will not invalidate or reduce any otherwise valid claim, if notice is given as soon as reasonably possible.

When the Plan Administrator receives notice of a claim, the Plan Administrator will send You forms for giving proof of Loss within fifteen (15) days. If You do not receive the forms, You should send the Plan Administrator a written description of the Loss.

Answers to specific questions can be obtained by writing to the Plan Administrator. To make a claim, please contact the Plan Administrator:

Card Benefit Services
550 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 309
Harrison, NY 10528

Please return Your completed and signed claim form and the documents listed below as soon as possible to the Plan Administrator:

  • A copy of the police report
  • A completed medical authorization form for each treating medical facility
  • Copy of the certificate of death, if applicable
  • A copy of the travel itinerary
  • A copy of the credit card statement reflecting the purchase, verification of the cardholder’s name and the first six digits of the credit card number.

To view the status of your claim and to securely upload documents for Trip Cancellation/Interruption and Travel Accident Benefit, visit
Use website code: 001

Or mail the completed and signed claim form and all required documents to:

Claim Benefit Services
P.O. Box 459084
Sunrise, FL 33345

If You choose to mail Your documents, please send a copy of Your documents and retain the originals for Your records. Claim Benefit Services is unable to return any submitted documents. You will be contacted by a claim adjuster if additional information or documentation is required.


Accident or Accidental means a sudden, unforeseen, and unexpected event which: happens by chance; is independent of illness and disease and is the direct source of Loss.

Accidental Bodily Injury means Bodily Injury, which: 1) is Accidental; 2) is the direct cause of a Loss; and 3) occurs while the Insured Person is insured under this policy, which is in force.

Account means Your credit or debit card Accounts.

Benefit Amount means the Loss amount at the time the entire cost of the passenger fare is purchased with an eligible Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your covered Account.

Common Carrier means any licensed land, water or air conveyance operated by those whose occupation or business is the transportation of persons or things without discrimination and for hire.

Covered Trip means travel on a Common Carrier when the entire cost of the passenger fare for such transportation, less redeemable certificates, vouchers, or coupons, has been purchased with an Insured Person’s covered card Account and/or rewards programs associated with Your covered Account issued by the Policyholder.

Dependent Child or Children means those Children, including adopted Children and those Children placed for adoption, who are primarily dependent upon the Insured Person for maintenance and support, and who are: 1) under the age of nineteen (19), and reside with the Insured Person; 2) beyond the age of nineteen (19), permanently mentally or physically challenged, and incapable of self-support; or 3) under the age of twenty-five (25) and classified as full-time students at an institution of higher learning.

Domestic Partner means a person who is registered as a Domestic Partner or legal equivalent under laws of the governing jurisdiction, or who: 1) is at least 18 years of age and competent to enter into a contract; 2) is not related to the Primary Insured Person by blood; 3) has exclusively lived with the Primary Insured Person for at least twelve (12) consecutive months. 4) is not legally married or separated; and 5) has with the Primary Insured Person at least two (2) of the following financial arrangements: a) a joint mortgage or lease; b) a joint bank account; c) joint title to or ownership of a motor vehicle or status a joint lessee on a motor vehicle lease; or d) a joint credit card account with a financial institution.

Immediate Family Member means the Insured Person’s: 1) Spouse or Domestic Partner; 2) children including adopted children or stepchildren; 3) legal guardians or wards; 4) siblings or siblings-in-law; 5) parents or parents-in-law; 6) grandparents or grandchildren; 7) aunts or uncles; 8) nieces and nephews. Immediate Family Member also means a Spouse’s or Domestic Partner’s children, including adopted children or step children; legal guardians or wards; siblings or siblings-in-law; parents or parents-in-law; grandparents or grandchildren; aunts or uncles; nieces or nephews.

Insured Person means the individual or entity to whom the Policyholder has issued an Account, as well as authorized users of the Account registered with the Policyholder. Insured Person also means the Insured Person’s Spouse or Domestic Partner and Dependent Children.

Member means hand or foot.

Pre-existing Condition means Accidental Bodily Injury, disease, or illness of the Insured Person or Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person which occurs or manifests itself during the sixty (60) day period immediately prior to the purchase date of a Scheduled Airline passenger fare(s). Disease or illness has manifested itself when either: 1) medical care or treatment has been given; or 2) there exists symptoms which would cause a reasonably prudent person to seek medical diagnosis, care or treatment. The taking of prescription drugs or medication for controlled (continued) condition throughout this sixty (60) day period will not be considered to be a manifestation of illness or disease.

Trip Cancellation means the cancellation of Common Carrier travel arrangements when the Insured Person is prevented from traveling on a Covered Trip on or before the Covered Trip departure.

Trip Interruption means the Insured Person’s Covered Trip is interrupted either on the way to the Covered Trip point of departure or after the Covered Trip departure.

You or Yours means an Insured Person who purchase their trip to the Insured person’s covered Account and/or rewards programs associated with the Insured Person’s covered Account.

Additional provisions for Trip Cancellation and Interruption

  • As a handy reference guide, please read this and keep it in a safe place with Your other insurance documents.
  • This description of coverage is not a contract of insurance but is simply an informative statement of the principal provisions of the insurance while in effect. Complete provisions pertaining to this plan of insurance are contained in the master policy, on file with the Policyholder: BNY Midwest Trust Company as trustee of the Chubb Financial Institution Group Insurance Trust for the Account of participating financial institutions. Policy #: 6478-07-74
  • Signed or pinned transactions are covered as long as You use Your eligible card to secure the transaction.
  • You shall do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any Loss covered by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.
  • If You make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, no coverage shall exist for such claim, and Your benefit may be cancelled. Each cardholder agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.
  • No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of the Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.
  • This benefit is provided to eligible cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, statement messages or electronic notification. The benefits described in this Guide will not apply to cardholders whose Accounts have been suspended or cancelled.
  • Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefits for cardholders, and if they do, they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance. Federal Insurance Company (“Provider”) is the underwriter of these benefits and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Plan Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.
  • After the Plan Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Plan Administrator to the extent of the payment made to You. You must give the Plan Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.
  • This benefit does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or other laws or regulations prohibit the provision of insurance, including, but not limited to, the payment of claims.

For more information about the benefit described in this guide, contact the Plan Administrator.

FORM #TRCAN – 2017 (04/17)

LUXURY & LIFESTYLE benefits for Rewards Business Visa Cardholders

Luxury Hotel Collection

The Visa Signature Luxury Hotel Collection is composed of some of the world’s most intriguing and prestigious properties, including brands like Peninsula, Park Hyatt, and Shangri-La. This hand-selected portfolio, developed for Visa Signature cardholders, is appraised regularly. All properties, from boutique gems to world famous hotels, provide a premium collection of benefits specially designed to offer an unparalleled experience.

With every booking, Visa Signature cardholders receive:

  • Best available rate guarantee (temporarily unavailable)
  • Automatic room upgrade upon arrival, when available
  • Complimentary in-room Wi-Fi, when available
  • Complimentary breakfast for two
  • $25 USD food or beverage credit
  • VIP Guest status
  • Late check-out upon request, when available

Terms & Conditions

  • Important for bookings during COVID-19 (until further notice): there may be restrictions or closures of hotel facilities including food and beverage, spa and others. Such restrictions or closures may inhibit the hotel’s ability to fulfill some of the Visa Premium benefits as stated below. For more information please visit
  • Only eligible U.S.-issued Visa Signature cards and eligible U.S.-issued Visa Infinite cards may book hotels at and receive special Visa premium card benefits.* Learn more about Visa Signature at Visa premium cardholders in other countries may be able to receive Visa Signature Luxury Hotel Collection benefits by visiting
  • Best Available Rate Guarantee
  • Please note: During COVID-19 (until further notice), we are unable to match rates through our Best Available Rate Guarantee.
  • Room Upgrade
  • Upon availability at check-in, you will be upgraded to the next highest room class for the duration of your stay.
  • $25 USD Food/Beverage Credit
  • During your hotel stay you will receive a $25 USD credit at check-out. Limit of one $25 USD credit per room, per stay. A stay is defined as consecutive nights spent at the same hotel, regardless of check-in/check-out activity. Any charges over and above the credit described above will be applied directly to your account to settle upon departure. Credit has no cash value and is not valid on room rate or third party services.
  • Continental Breakfast Daily
  • For the length of your stay, you and one guest will receive complimentary continental breakfast daily. If the hotel does not offer continental breakfast, they will offer another dining or other benefit of equal value based on local market rate.
  • VIP Guest Status
  • As a guest through the Visa Signature Luxury Hotel Collection, you will be recognized within the hotel as a VIP Guest. VIP Guest services and amenities differ by property.
  • Complimentary In-Room Wi-Fi
  • Upon check-in you will be provided with complimentary in-room Wi-Fi access, if available, for the duration of your stay.
  • 3PM Checkout Upon Request
  • Late checkout is available upon request, upon availability by the hotel. At the time of check-in, or during the course of your stay, you may contact the front desk and request late checkout up to 3 p.m.
  • * In cases where one of the benefits is not available at a hotel, the hotel may provide a substitute benefit of equal value. Some hotels may provide one of the benefits as a standard feature of the room being booked. In those cases the hotel may or may not provide a substitute benefit of equal value. Resort fees that cover any of the benefits are not reimbursable. Reservations must be booked either on a Visa Luxury Hotel Collection website or through Visa Concierge for benefits to apply. Please consult the terms and conditions for each property.

Visa Concierge

In this time of uncertainty, whatever your travel plans may be, our Concierge is here to help you as you navigate the challenges. We are happy to assist with current and future travel needs, sending that special gift, and helping make your life a bit easier.

Visa Signature cardholders access the Concierge Service through a toll-free phone number: 1-800-953-7392 (outside of the U.S., cardholders can call collect at 630-350-4551). Cardholders can call or email a request 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Depending on the nature of the request, a Concierge Representative may be able to assist them right away. If the request needs to be researched, the Concierge Representative will contact the cardholder by follow-up phone call or email.

The purchase of goods or services from a merchant in connection with your use of Visa Concierge, including any reservation or booking completed by Visa at your request (“Service”), are solely between you and the respective merchant and Visa is not a party to the purchase. Goods or services we attempt to purchase on your behalf at your request are subject to availability. You are responsible for payment of any and all charges associated with any Service. See for additional terms and conditions.